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New Orleans’ Tremé neighborhood helped shape U.S. culture
Across the street from New Orleans’ famous French Quarter, I have my feet in a different neighborhood. While less known to visitors than the bars and buildings on Bourbon Street, the Tremé is no less important in the history of the city. The oldest African American residential district in the United States, this neighborhood has been home to political, economic and cultural events that over the past two centuries have shaped black America and helped define the city’s culture. Read more.
UNO team plots lots as land use debate unfurls in Treme
Advocates for rejuvenating the Treme now have a blueprint to work from.
A team with the University of New Orleans mapped out almost every parcel in the historic neighborhood to show which blocks are flourishing and which could use some extra TLC. The report, released Monday, lays out the groundwork for the Historic Faubourg Treme Association to point to as it pushes back against city-sanctioned demolitions of decaying houses or should it advocate for the removal of Interstate 10 above Claiborne Avenue. Read more.
TV star Michael Cerveris finds his place in Treme
Michael Cerveris wondered what the big fuss was all about. His friends had been telling him for years that New Orleans was an amazing place, one he was bound to love, but he wasn’t feeling it. Since then, the Tony award winner’s conversion has been complete. He has developed such a devotion to the city that he bought a house in Treme last summer, and he now divides time between New York and New Orleans. Read more.
Young family breathes new life into 165-year-old Treme landmark
Sitting with his wife and two small children on the gallery of his 165-year-old Treme home, Christian J. Rhodes is a happy man. "This is my dream house," said Rhodes, 33, who spent 11 months renovating the property he bought in 2012 and still has plans for more improvements. "I want this house to be the house that my grandchildren carry me out of." Read more.